Professional Selling Skills for Success   

Training available virtually or on location 

These programs are designed to either stand alone or be blended into another CTS training program to provide greater depth of information. From Business Etiquette and Table Navigation, to Trade Show Strategies and Networking for Success, these programs are short but powerful, providing the extra punch to gain the competitive edge.  

Professional Selling Skills / Business Etiquette: 

Would you let every person in your organization meet your top client? Do you feel confident that you would be proud of the company image they present? Are your employees comfortable navigating a formal dinner table? Do your employees know how to handle “difficult situations,” either internally or externally, without upsetting others?

Relationships that have taken years to build up can be torn down in an instant due to careless words or behavior. You want to guard against the possibility of that happening. This program helps you do just that.

Professionalism, guided by proper etiquette, is the fuel that powers relationships. We want to maximize the opportunity for individual success, which in turn will maximize the opportunity to increase your business success. No matter the role someone has within an organization, our goal for you is for your customers to fall in love with your company at every interaction. This workshop can be tailored for administrative and support roles, as well as sales.

Program Objectives:
  • Help your employees put their best foot forward to build successful business relationships, both inside and outside the company.
  • Provide a 5-step process for handling difficult situations.
  • Provide proper etiquette tips for table navigation, phone conversations and overall communication to gain the competitive edge. 
A line drawing of a hand holding a sign and giving a thumbs up.


On Location Training:  2.5 hours to a half-day program

Virtual Training:  Two to three 75-minute webinars

Professional Selling Skills / Networking for Success   

  • Are the people who represent your company taking advantage of networking events? 
  • Do they know how to break into a conversation politely? 
  • What first impression are they leaving with others? 
  • What is their “elevator speech?”

Networking events can be a great resource, if used correctly. This is an opportunity to meet new people and develop a relationship, either to gain their business or to connect with someone through them. A networking event, no matter if it is virtual or on location, is really a way to cold call someone in-person. Realize everyone at a networking event is there for the same purpose. How you approach the event, conduct yourself at the event, and your follow up will determine if you get the maximum benefit from attending. 

Program Objectives:
Help salespeople become more comfortable when they are at a networking event.  
Provide guidelines for introductions to leave the best first impression.
Provide 15 tips and strategies to make the most out of a networking event.
A line drawing of a hand holding a sign and giving a thumbs up.


On Location Training:  2.5 hours to a half-day program

Virtual Training:  Two to three 75-minute webinars

Professional Selling Skills / Trade Show Strategies     

  • Are you satisfied with the ROI you are getting from participating in trade shows?  
  • Do you feel your employees are drawing in the right people to become prospective customers? 
  • Are the sales teams capitalizing on those leads immediately after the show? 
  • Is there a common message everyone is presenting while at the show? 
  • Are your employees asking for an action step from the people they meet? 
This program provides ways of gaining the competitive edge at trade shows and gaining a greater return on investment from leads generated by the event. A trade show is only as good as the leads it produces and how well they are handled after the show. The strategies presented will help participants draw prospective customers into the booth and follow up effectively after the show to gain more sales. 

Program Objectives:
Help salespeople gain the competitive edge against all other companies with booths at the show.
Provide a common message in order to drive more business from the show.
Present tips on trade show etiquette. 
Provide 12 tips and strategies to make the most out of a trade show experience. 
A line drawing of a hand holding a sign and giving a thumbs up.


On Location Training:  2.5 hours to a half-day program

Virtual Training:  Two to three 75-minute webinars

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